
Wednesday 18 October 2017

SO THAT Answers

so that Answers

1.       A.    Johny is so tired that he cannot walk
2.       C.    He is so proud that he will not obey
3.       B.    cannot
4.       D.    so
5.       D.    that
6.       C.    was
7.       B.    forgot
8.       B.    that she could not
9.       C.    The problem was so difficult that I could not solve it
10.   D.    She is so young that she cannot marry
11.   D.    to
12.   A.    too
13.   B.    to
14.   B.    for me
15.   C.    to understand
16.   B.    to
17.   B.    The problem was too difficult for me to solve
18.   D.    She is too young to marry
19.   C.    Johny is too tired to walk
20.   C.    He is too proud to obey


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