
Wednesday 18 October 2017

AS IF Previous Questions

AS IF Previous Questions

1.       He speaks as if he ........... a doctor
a.       was
b.      is
c.       were
d.      had been
2.       He spoke as if he ......... a doctor
a.       was
b.      is
c.       were
d.      had been
3.       He speaks as if he ......... the subject
a.       knows
b.      knew
c.       has known
d.      had known
4.       He spoke as if he ........ the subject
a.       knows
b.      knew
c.       has known
d.      had known
5.       The child cried as if it ....... the ghost
a.       sees
b.      saw
c.       has seen
d.      had seen
6.       He walks as if he ........ a drunkard
a.       was
b.      is
c.       were
d.      had been
7.       He advised me as if he .......... an expert on child care
a.       was
b.      is
c.       were
d.      had been
8.       He looks as though he ..... for days
a.       did not sleep
b.      does not sleep
c.       has not slept
d.      had not slept
9.       She dressed as if she ......... rich
a.       were
b.      was
c.       is
d.      had been
10.   I wish I ........ the work
a.       finish
b.      finished
c.       have finished
d.      had finished
11.   I wished I ......... the film
a.       saw
b.      see
c.       had seen
d.      have seen
12.   I wish I .............. a millionaire
a.       was
b.      were
c.       am
d.      had been
13.   I wished I ............. a doctor
a.       was
b.      were
c.       am

d.      had been

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