
Sunday 2 August 2020

PSC / Bank Maths Previous Questions 02 Aug 2020

  1. Out of 150 members of a co-operative society, one third are women and the remaining are men. Each men contributes Rs 200 per annum, while each woman contributes one fifth of this amount. How much is the total early collection?
    1. Rs 18000
    2. Rs 24000
    3. Rs 22000
    4. Rs 220000
    5. None of these
  2. The average weight of A,B,and C is 84 Kg. D joins the group and the average of the group becomes 80 Kg. When E whose weight is 3 Kg more than that of D replaces A, then the average weight of B,C,D and E becomes 79 Kg. What is the weight of A?
    1. 70 Kg
    2. 80 Kg 
    3. 75 Kg
    4. 90 Kg
    5. None of these
  3. A group of three hundred soldiers have enough stock of food for 30 days. A re-enforcement of 200 soldiers joins. In order to make sure the stock of food sufficient to last for 30 days, how much should the consumption be reduced?
    1. 40%
    2. 20%
    3. 50%
    4. 66%
    5. None of these.
  4. A man has Rs 480 in 1,5 & 10 rupee notes. If he has equal number of notes in each denomination, the total number of notes he has is
    1. 60
    2. 75
    3. 90
    4. 30
    5. None of these
  5. Sekhar, after spending one third, two fifth and one eighth of his income on clothing , food, and entertainment respectively is left with Rs 119. How much did he spend on cloathing?
    1. Rs 134
    2. Rs 119
    3. Rs 180
    4. Rs 280
    5. None of these
  6. A train travelling at a speed of 45 kmph leaves Chennai at 9 am. Another train travelling at 60kmph starts at 12 noon in the same route. The distance from Chennai at which two trains meet is 
    1. 60 kms
    2. 360 kms
    3. 450 kms
    4. 540 kms
    5. None of these
  7. Six teachers working 5 hours a day check 750 answer sheets in eight days. In what period  of time 4 teachers check 800 answer sheets, working 8 hours a day?
    1. 4 days
    2. 8 days
    3. 8 days
    4. 12 days
    5. None of these
  8. One litre of water is evaporated from a six litre salt solution containing 4% of salt. find the percentage of salt in the remaining solution.
    1. 4
    2. 4.4
    3. 4.6
    4. 4.8
    5. None of these
  9. A clock gains 10 minutes every hour. If it is set right at 3 pm today, what time would it show when the correct time is 3 pm tomorrow?
    1. 11 am
    2. 6 pm
    3. 7 pm
    4. 8 pm
    5. None of these
  10. Rs 5625 is divided among A, B and C such that A receive ½ as much as B and C together receive and B receives ¼ of what A and C together receive. How much is the share of A more than that of B?
    1. Rs 750
    2. Rs 775
    3. Rs 1500
    4. Rs 1600
    5. None of these

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