
Tuesday 28 July 2020

PSC / Bank Maths Questions 2. July 2020 Ratio

1.        On a scale of a map .8 cm represents 8.8 km. If the distance between two points on the map is 80.5 cm, what is the distance between these points?

2.        If 40 persons consume 60 kg of rice in 15 days, then in how many days will 30 persons consume 12 kg of rice?

3.        In a hospital there is a consumption of 1350 liters of milk for 70 patients for 30 days. How many patients will consume 1710 liters of milk in 28 days?

4.      If the rent for grazing 40 cows for 20 days is Rs 370, how many cows can  graze for 30 days on Rs 111?

5.        If 18 binders bind 900 books in 10 days, how many binders will be required to bind 660 books in 12 days?

6.        If 6 men working 8 hours a day, earn Rs 840 per week, then how much 9 men working 6 hours a day will earn per week?

7.        If 3 persons weave 168 shawls in 14 days, how many shawls will 8 persons weave in 5 days?

8.        If 20 men can build a wall 112 m long in 6 days, what length of a wall can be built by 25 men in 3 days?

9.        If 300 men can do a piece of work in 16 days, how many men would do ⅕ of the work in 15 days?

10.    if 20 men working 7 hours a day can do a piece of work in 10 days, in how many days will 15 men working for 8 hours a day do the same piece of work?

11.    Ten pipes through which water flows at the same rate can fill a tank in 24 minutes. If two pipes go out of order, how long will the remaining pipes to take to fill the tank?

12.    A rope makes 140 rounds of the circumference of a cylinder whose radious of the base is 14 cms. How many times can it go round a cylinder with radious 20 cms ?

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