
Wednesday 13 March 2019

PSC English Grammar Model Question 4

  1. If he had applied for the post, .............
    1. he get it
    2. he will get it
    3. he will have get it
    4. he would have got
  2. Invest your money carefully lest you ..........
    1. will regret later
    2. should regret later
    3. can regret later
    4. may regret later
  3. Two men and a woman were killed in a ........... between a car and a jeep
    1. strike
    2. thrust
    3. collision 
    4. collusion
  4. The minister ............ this stone in 2005
    1. lay
    2. lies
    3. laid
    4. lied
  5. The moon as well as the stars ...............
    1. give light at night
    2. do give light at night
    3. gave light at night
    4. gives light at night
  6. I found your diary after you ............ the house
    1. left
    2. had left
    3. were leaving
    4. would leave
  7. I proposed to Rani but she .......... the offer of marriage
    1. turned down
    2. turned off
    3. turned on
    4. turned out
  8. He is married ..............
    1. with my sister
    2. my sister
    3. to my sister 
    4. none of these
  9. ................. you start now, you will 76 miss the train
    1. Although
    2. As if
    3. Unless
    4. Had better
  10. Choose the apt word showing the meaning of the underlined word in sentence:
    Ernakulam is a very populous city in Kerala
    1. Luxurious
    2. liked by the people
    3. highly fashionable
    4. thickly inhabited
  11. The book you are looking ............. is here
    1. for
    2. at
    3. out
    4. about
  12. Hardly had he reached the station ................ the train arrived
    1. than
    2. until
    3. when
    4. as
  13. I .............. for the last two weeks
    1. am reading the novel
    2. was reading the novel
    3. read the novel
    4. have been reading the novel
  14. Something which cannot be reversed
    1. fait accompli
    2. facsimile
    3. foliage
    4. irrecoverable
  15. Neelima, ................ had been missing since Tuesday, has been found safe and well
    1. who
    2. that
    3. whom
    4. which
  16. Don't be afraid ............. facing your opponents
    1. with
    2. of
    3. on
    4. in
  17. His handwriting is shabby, I cannot ........ what he has written
    1.  make up
    2. make at
    3. make out
    4. make off
  18. Yesterday when I saw him, he ................ notes
    1. had been writing
    2. wrote
    3. would write
    4. was writing
  19. If he sought our help, we ........... it
    1. could have given
    2. would give
    3. had given
    4. shall give
  20. .............. you hurry up, you can't finish it on time
    1. if
    2. lest
    3. otherwise
    4. unless

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. 2
  7. 1
  8. 3
  9. 3
  10. 4
  11. 1
  12. 3
  13. 4
  14. 4
  15. 4
  16. 1
  17. 2
  18. 3
  19. 4
  20. 2

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