PSC English Grammar Model Question 12 - FORTUNE ACADEMY



Saturday 23 March 2019

PSC English Grammar Model Question 12

Choose the correct word to fill in the gap

  1. A person who kills himself is called ....................
    1. homicide
    2. regicide
    3. genocide
    4. suicide
  2. The young one of a butterfly is known as a .................
    1. moth
    2. caterpillar
    3. cub
    4. fawn
  3. If you run away from justice or law, you are called a
    1. cynic
    2. murderer
    3. usurer
    4. fugitive
  4. A mint is a place where ............. is made
    1. cloth
    2. money
    3. chocolate
    4. confectionery
  5. A bibliophile is .................
    1. a lover of bible
    2. a lover and collector of books
    3. a love of mankind
    4. a collector of stamps
  6. A  barking dog ............ bites
    1. often
    2. always
    3. occasionally
    4. seldom
  7. A stitch in time ................
    1. saves the cloth
    2. keeps you fine
    3. saves nine
    4. saves money
  8. A man who is out to destroy all government, law and order
    1. terrorist
    2. autocrat
    3. anarchist
    4. iconoclast
  9. This is my ticket. Where is ..............?
    1. your
    2. yours
    3. you
    4. your's
  10. I ............. that I cannot agree with you.
    1. regret
    2. regretted
    3. am regretting
    4. regrets
  11. I hate such men .................. are dishonest
    1. that 
    2. who
    3. those
    4. as
  12. She used to dance well before her marriage, ..........?
    1. isn't it
    2. didn't she
    3. doesn't she
    4. usedn't she
  13. The police took him into custody , .................
    1. did they?
    2. didn't they?
    3. do he?
    4. wasn't he?
  14. I won't let you go .............. you promise to come again.
    1. if
    2. in case
    3. unless
    4. since
  15. The workers have ............ their strike after the management agreed to meet their demands.
    1. called in
    2. called out
    3. called off
    4. called on
  16. She is always worried  .................. small matters
    1. about
    2. of
    3. at
    4. against
  17. You must abide ............... your promises
    1. at
    2. by
    3. on
    4. for
  18. This tank abounds ............... fish
    1. with
    2. for
    3. in
    4. on
  19. He often absents himself ............... school
    1. for
    2. in
    3. into
    4. from
  20. You should abstain ................. all alcoholic drinks
    1. at
    2. from
    3. during
    4. for

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 2
  5. 2
  6. 4
  7. 3
  8. 3
  9. 2
  10. 1
  11. 4
  12. 2
  13. 2
  14. 3
  15. 3
  16. 1
  17. 2
  18. 3
  19. 4
  20. 2

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