
Sunday, 10 December 2017


Academy for career and competitive exams


1.       If 4 kg rice of superior quality at Rs 6 a kg, being mixed with 6 kg of the inferior quality at Rs 4 a kg, the price of the mixture per kg shall be Rs ?
a.       3.70
b.      3.90
c.       4.80
d.      4.50
e.      none of these
2.       The proportion in which a grocer must mix rice at Rs 102 a kg so as to make a mixture worth Rs 126 a kg is ?
a.       3:4
b.      4:3
c.       1:7
d.      7:2
e.      none of these
3.       In what proportion must two kinds of tea at Rs 112 per kg and Rs 144 per kg be mixed so as to make the mixture worth Rs 132 per kg
a.       2:3
b.      3:5
c.       5:7
d.      7:8
e.      none of these
4.       A sum of Rs 6.25 is made up of 80 coins which are either 10 paise coins or five paise coins.The number of five paise coins are
a.       45
b.      50
c.       65
d.      35
e.      none of these
5.       A mixture of 50 litres of milk and water contains 15% of water. How much more water is to be added to it to make the water 20% of the resulting mixture?
a.       3 ⅛ litres
b.      3 ⅓ litres
c.        2 ½ litres
d.      2 and 1/7 litres
e.      none of these
6.       How many oranges at 5 for 24 Rs  should be mixed with 300 oranges at 6 for 42 Rs, so that they should all be worth 72 Rs  a dozen?
a.       240
b.      280
c.       270
d.      250
e.      none of these
7.       A mixture of 70 litres of wine and water contains 10 percent of water. How much water must be added to make the water 25 percent of the resulting mixture?
a.       12 litres
b.      14 litres
c.       16 litres
d.      18 litres
e.      none of these
8.       In what proportion must oil at Rs 10 per kg me mixed with oil at Rs 7 per kg so that there may be a gain of 20% by selling the mixture at Rs 9 per kg?
a.       1:5
b.      2:3
c.       3:4
d.      4:5
e.      none of these
9.       In what proportion must water be mixed with spirit to gain 16 ⅔ % by selling it at cost price?
a.       1:3
b.      1:4
c.       1:6
d.      1:5
e.      none of these
10.   15 litres are drawn off from a vessel full of milk and the vessel refilled with water. 15 litres are again drawn off and the vessel again refilled with water. It is now found that the vessel contains milk and water in the ratio 16:9. How much milk did the vessel contain in the beginning?
a.       90 litres
b.      85 litres
c.       80 litres
d.      75 litres
e.      none of these

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