Monday, 25 December 2017



Academy for career and competitive exams
Near Fire Station, Adoor. 9447564217, 04734-226757

1.       A , B, and C enter into a partnership with a capital in which A’s contribution is Rs 10000. If out of a total profit of Rs 1000, A gets Rs 500 and B gets Rs 300, then C’s capital is
a.       Rs 4000
b.      Rs 5000
c.       Rs6000
d.      Rs 9000
e.      none of these
2.       if 80 lamps can be lighted 5 hours per day for 10 days for Rs 21.25, then the number of lamps which can be lighted 4 hours daily for 30 days for Rs76.50 is
a.       100
b.      120
c.       150
d.      160
e.      none of these
3.       A does half as much work as B in ¾ of the time. If together they take 18 days to complete the work, how much time in days shall B take to do it?
a.       30
b.      35
c.       40
d.      45
e.      none of these
4.       A leak in the bottom of a tank can empty  the full tank in 8 hours. An in let pipe fills water at the rate of 6 liters in a minute. When the tank is full, the inlet is opened and due to the leak, the tank is empty in 12 hours. How many liters did the tank hold?
a.       7580
b.      7960
c.       8290
d.      8640
e.      none of these.
5.       Two trains starting at the same time from two stations 200 km apart and going in opposite direction cross each other at the distance of 110 km from one of the stations. What is the ratio of their speeds?
a.       11:20
b.      9:20
c.       11:9
d.      9:11
e.      none of these
6.       A train 150m long passes a km stone in 15 seconds and another train of the same length travelling in opposite direction in 8 seconds. What is the speed of the second train in kmph?
a.       60
b.      72
c.       66
d.      99
e.      none of these
7.       A man can row 8 kmph in still water and the river is running at 2 kmph. If the man takes 1 hour to row to a place and backs, how far is the place?
a.       3.75 km
b.      10 km
c.       6 km
d.      5 km
e.      none of these
8.       The simple interest on a sum of money at 5% is Rs 48 for 4 years. The simple interest on the same sum for 5 years at 4% will be?
a.       Rs 40
b.      Rs 48
c.       Rs 50
d.      Rs 60
e.      none of these
9.       A sum of money amounts to Rs 6690 after 3 years and for Rs 10035 after 6 years on compound interest. Find the sum.
a.       Rs 4460
b.      Rs 4480
c.       Rs 4460
d.      Rs 4840
e.      none of these
10.   What was the day of week of 01-01-2001?
a.       Friday
b.      Tuesday
c.       Sunday
d.      Wednesday
e.      Saturday


1.       A
2.       B
3.       A
4.       D
5.       C
6.       D
7.       A
8.       B
9.       A
10.   C

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