
Sunday 15 October 2017

TENSES Questions with Answers


1.       My friend ...... to the temple now. Her mother ..... every day.
(a)goes, is going (b)has gone, goes (c)goes, has gone (d) is going, goes

2.       Nowadays the Government ....... family planning, but the illiterate .... not understand it.
(a)popularize, does (b)is popularizing, do (c) have pupularized, did (d) none of these

3.       My mother .... to market once in a week.
(a)go (b)goes (c)will go (d)is going

4.       She ...... her clothes at this moment.
(a)has washed (b)is washing (c) has been washing(d)has washed

5.       He usually ..... Malayalam songs, but today he ............ Hindi songs.
(a)sings, is singing (b)is singing, has sung (c)has been singing, sings (d)sings, sings

6.       I ... mangoes since I left home.
(a)do not eat (b)have not eaten (c)am not eating (d)have not been eating

7.       It ............ for the last three days
(a)has been raining (b)is raining (c)has rained (d)rains

8.       My brother ..... in Infosys since 2010.
(a)has worked (b)is working (c)has been working (d)works

9.       The stars .... us light.
(a)give (b)gives (c)are giving (d)has been giving

10.   One  of my students .... first rank in the competitive examination recently.
(a)wins (b)win (c)has won (d)is winning

11.   My brother .... me a really good dress for last birthday.
(a)had given (b)gave (c)was giving (d)has given me

12.   A couple of years ago I .... my uncle in Paris. I had a great time with him.
(a)visited (b)had visited (c)has visited (d)none of these

13.   I .... until 10 O’clock this morning. I slept for more than 11 hours.
(a)haven’t woken up (b)didn’t wake up (c)don’t wake up (d)none of these

14.   I was surprised to get my first job because I ...... in a hospital before.
(a)haven’t worked (b)am not working (c)hadn’t worked (d)didn’t work

15.   The flat was very cold when we got home because we .... the windows.
(a)didn’t close (b)haven’t closed (c)hadn’t closed (d)none of these

16.   I last saw Tomy in 2011, five years after we left school. I didn’t recognize him at first because he ... so much.
(a)changed (b)has changed (c)had changed (d)was changed

17.   I was busy in the morning, but I ..... some free time in the afternoon.
(a)had (b)have had (c)had had (d)none of these

18.   Joe and Emily .... come to dinner last night
(a)didn’t (b)hadn’t (c)haven’t (d)none of these

19.   Anil hurt his knee while he ...... cricket.
(a)was playing (b)is playing (c)had played (d)none of these.

20.   ..... for a bus when I saw you last night?
(a)have you waited (b)did you wait (c)had you been waiting (d)were you waiting

21.   Pick out the past perfect tense from the following.
(a)I had been working in a hostel (b)I had worked in a hostel (c) I was working in a hostel (d)I have worked in a hostel

22.   When she reached the theatre, the film had started. This sentence is an example of
(a)Simple past and Present Perfect (b)Past perfect and simple past (c)simple past and past perfect (d)none of these

23.   A simple past tense in negative sense will normally have
(a)didn’t (b)doesn’t (c)hadn’t (d)haven’t

24.   Sorry, I ..... you were speaking to me.
(a)hadn’t realised (b)didn’t realise (c)haven’t realised (d)none of these

25.   Give an example for past continuous and simple past tenses.
(a)While we are walking by the river yesterday we saw a wonderful sunset (b)While we were  (c) (d)All the above are wrong.

26.   I shall telephone you when he ..... back.
(a)comes (b)will come (c)came (d)has come

27.   It started to rain when the boys ..... football.
(a)are playing (b)were playing (c)have played (d)played

28.   My brother .... to be an engineer.
(a)want (b)wants (c)is wanting (d)will want

29.   By this time next year, my friend ..... his university degree.
(a)takes (b)will take (c)will have taken (d)took

30.   I .... a new bicycle last week.
(a)had bought (b)has bought (c)have bought (d)bought

31.   Here are your shoes, I have ..... them.
(a)just clean (b)just cleaned (c)have just cleaned (d)none of these

32.   Every day last week my aunt .... a plate.
(a)breaks (b)broke (c)had broken (d)has broken

33.   I ..... her since we met a year ago.
(a)didn’t see (b)haven’t been seeing (c)hadn’t seen (d)haven’t seen

34.   When my brother reached the theatre, the tickets .....
(a)have sold out (b)sold out (c)had been sold out (d)were sold out

35.   She .... unconscious since 8 am.
      (a)is (b)has been (c) had been(d)was


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