TENSES 2 Previous Questions with Answers - FORTUNE ACADEMY



Tuesday 17 October 2017

TENSES 2 Previous Questions with Answers


  1. When the chief guest at last came, the audience .....
    (a)is leaving  (b)had already left (c)already left (d)was already left
  2. Sita usually .... till midnight.
    (a)read (b)reads (c)reading (d)has read
  3. This car ..... to my brother.
    (a)belongs (b)is belonging (c)has belonged (d)do not belong.
  4. His aunt .... to see us a few days ago.
    (a)has come (b)had come (c)would come (d)came
  5. The sun .... when I got up.
    (a)rose (b)had risen (c)is rising (d)would rise
  6. By this time tomorrow I .... the job.
    (a)will finish (b)shall finish (c)will have finished (d)will be finishing
  7. I found your diary after you ..... the house
    (a)left (b)had left (c)were leaving (d)would leave
  8. I saw him in Madras two months .....
    (a)before (b)since (c)ago (d)for
  9. The girl .... her father last year.
    (a)has lost (b)lost (c)had lost (d)have lost
  10. Rajan ..... to the gymnasium three times a week.
    (a)is usually going (b)is going usually (c)usually goes (d)will go usually
  11. The chairman is away on holiday. He .... to Mauritius.
    (a)went (b)has gone (c)has been (d)is gone
  12. You are panting. ....?
    (a)Have you been running  (b)Are you running (c)Were you running (d)Have you run
  13. The walls are dirty. It is time we .... them.
    (a)paint (b)must paint (c)ought to paint (d)painted
  14. I wish I ..... a computer.
    (a)had (b)have (c)will have (d)would have
  15. He wore  mask so that nobody ... him.
    (a)would recognize (b)won’t recognize (c)can recognize (d)may recognize
  16. I .... Mumbai two years ago.
    (a)have visited (b)visited (c)was visited (d)had visited
  17. By the time we reached the station , the train .....
    (a) already left(b)has already left (c)had already left (d)had already been left
  18. Cows ... grass
    (a)eats (b)has eaten (c)eat (d)eating
  19. India .... her independence in 1947
    (a)has won (b)won (c)wins (d)have won
  20. I .... that she will be here soon
    (a)am expecting (b)expected (c)expect (d)shall expect
  21. It ... since 10 O’clock this morning
    (a)is raining (b)was raining (c)had been raining (d)has been raining
  22. I .... nothing in front of me.
    (a)am seeing (b)see (c)has been seeing (d)shall see
  23. I .... her for a long time.
    (a)knew (b)know (c)have known (d)shall know
  24. They went home after they .... their work.
    (a)finished (b)had finished (c)were finished (d)would finish
  25. By the end of next month we ..... here seven years.
    (a)will have lived (b)would have lived (c)will be living (d)will live
  26. I wish I .... his address
    (a)have known (b)know (c)knew (d)shall know
  27. When I came in, the cat .... in my chair
    (a)sleeping (b)is sleeping (c)slept (d)was sleeping
  28. I .... him several years ago
    (a)have met (b)met (c)had met (d)had been meeting
  29. They ... together since 2001
    (a)have been living (b)lived (c)are living (d)live
  30. When i reached his house, he ...
    (a)left (b)had left (c)was left (d)has been left
  31. In which part of the sentence is the error?
    He told(a)/ me that (b)/ he is (c)/not well (d)
  32. He ... from Chennai last week.
    (a)has returned (b)returned (c)had returned (d)will have returned
  33. The postman hasn’t come ....?
    (a)yet (b)still (c)already (d)ago
  34. Now it is very late. It is time we ... the work.
    (a)have to finish (b)finished (c)finish (d)had finished
  35. The accident took place two days .....
    (a)since (b)ago (c)bac k(d)before
  36. I did not expect to see you today. Your friend said you ... ill
    (a)were (b)are (c)will be (d)can be
  37. I shall say what .....
    (a)I liked (b)I would like (c)I had liked (d)I like
  38. I will write to her when I ... time.
    (a)will have (b)shall have (c)had (d)have
  39. While they were sleeping, they .... by a loud noise.
    (a)were waking up (b)woke up (c)were woken up (d)had woken up
  40. It is high time .... driving
    (a)I learned (b)I have learned (c)I had learned (d)had woken up
  41. I wish I ... rich.
    (a)was (b)were (c)am (d)will be
  42. I ... my examination yesterday.
    (a)write (b)was writing (c)wrote (d)had written
  43. By this time next year he .... his professional course
    (a)will have finished (b)will be finished (c)has finished (d)will be finishing
  44. On hot days we usually .... for a swim
    (a)are going (b)have gone (c)have been going (d)go
  45. By the time I reached the railway station, the train ...
    (a)left (b)had left (c)had been left (d) had been leaving
  46. My uncle ... to Dubai ten years ago.
    (a)went (b)has gone (c)had gone (d)was gone
  47. They .... each other since 2002.
    (a)have known (b)are known (c)had known (d)were known

1 comment:

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