SO THAT Previous Questions with Answers - FORTUNE ACADEMY



Wednesday 18 October 2017

SO THAT Previous Questions with Answers

SO THAT Previous Questions with Answers

1.       Combine the sentences. Johny is very tired. He cannot walk
a.       Johny is so tired that he cannot walk
b.      Johny is very tired that he could not walk
c.       Johny is too tired that he cannot walk
d.      Johny is much tired that he cannot walk
2.       He is too proud to obey. Rewrite the sentence using so...that
a.       He is so proud for me to obey
b.      He is so proud that he would not obey
c.       He is so proud that he will not obey
d.      All are correct
3.       Madhav is so poor that he ..... pay more
a.       could not
b.      cannot
c.       has not
d.      would not
4.       The famine was ....... severe that very few people survived
a.       too
b.      very
c.       much
d.      so
5.       Arshid was so stupid ....... he could not pass the exam
a.       but
b.      although
c.       since
d.      that
6.       The place ...... so quiet that he decided to stay here
a.       is
b.      will be
c.       was
d.      were
7.       Spot the error part. The book was so interesting (a)/ that I even forget (b) /my lunch while reading it (c)/ No error (d)
8.       Find the error part. Lakshmi came so late (a)/ for she could not (b)/ attend the function(c) / No error(d)
9.       Choose the correct sentence
a.       The problem is so difficult that I could not solve it
b.      The problem was so difficult for me to solve.
c.       The problem was so difficult that I could not solve it.
d.      All are correct
10.   Choose the correct sentence
a.       She is so young that she could not marry
b.      She is so young to marry
c.       She is so young that to marry
d.      She is so young that she cannot marry.
11.   Darly is too poor ...... pay more
a.       that she could not
b.      that she cannot
c.       for him
d.      to
12.   The famine was ............ severe for a lot of people to survive
a.       too
b.      very
c.       much
d.      so
13.   Arshid was too stupid ............. pass the exam
a.       for
b.      to
c.       since
d.      that
14.   The place was too noisy ........ to take rest
a.       that he could
b.      for me
c.       for I
d.      and
15.   Find error part – The language used in the book (a) / was too tough (b) / that I could not understand (c)/ No error
16.   Find the error part – Lakshmi came too late (a)/ for her to (b)/ attend the function (c)/ No error (d)
17.   Choose the correct sentence
a.       The problem is too difficult for I could not solve
b.      The problem was too difficult for me to solve
c.       The problem was so difficult that to solve it
d.      All are correct
18.   Choose the correct sentence
a.       She is too young for marry
b.      She is too young that she cannot marry
c.       She is so young that to marry
d.      She is too young to marry
19.   Combine the sentences. Johny is very tired. He cannot walk
a.       Johny is too tired that he cannot walk
b.      Johny is too tired and could not walk
c.       Johny is too tired to walk
d.      None of these
20.   He is so proud that he will not obey- Rewrite the sentence using
a.       He is too proud for him to obey
b.      He is too proud to obeying
c.       He is too proud to obey

d.      All are correct


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