
Friday 13 October 2017

Exercises on articles

(V) Use the articles a/an/the wherever necessary

1.       I bought ..... pair of shoes
2.       I saw ..... movie last night
3.       They are staying at ..... hotel
4.       I think ....... man over there is very unfriendly
5.       I do not like ....... basketball
6.       That is ...... problem I told you about.
7.       The night i s quiet. Let’s take .... walk.
8.       ...... price of ..... gas keeps rising.
9.       John travelled to ...... Mexico
10.   Raju knows ....... Spanish
11.   I read ...... amazing story yesterday.
12.   My brother does not eat ..... chicken
13.   ..... love is such a beautiful thing.
14.   I live in ..... apartment. ....... apartment is new.
15.   I would like ..... piece of cake.
16.   I was in ...... Chinese restaurant. ...... restaurant served good food.
17.   Sara can play .... guitar.
18.   I like ..... blue T-shirt over there better than ..... red one.
19.   Their car does 150 miles ...... hour
20.   Where is ...... USB drive I lent you last week.
21.   Do you still live in ........ Bristol?
22.   Is your mother working in ...... old office building?
23.   Carol’s father works as ........ electrician.
24.   ....... tomatoes are Rs 50 ..... kilo.
25.   What do you usually have for ..... breakfast?
26.   Ben has ..... slight fever.
27.   After this tour you have .... whole afternoon free to explore .... city.
28.   My grandmother likes ..... flowers very much.
29.   I love ...... flowers in your garden.
30.   See you on ..... Wednesday.
31.   I always listen to ..... FM radio in ...... morning.
32.   Alex goes to work by ..... bus
33.   Don’t be late for ..... school
34.   Listen, Dennis is playing ..... trumpet.
35.   We often see our cousins over .... Easter
36.   She has never been to ...... Alps before.
37.   What about going to ....... Australia in ...... February?
38.   Last year we visited ....... St. Paul’s Cathedral and .... Tower
39.   ...... Mount Everest is ..... highest mountain on ....... earth.
40.   Lochness is ..... most famous lake in Scotland.
41.   Most children like ..... sweets.
42.   ...... summer of 2017 was hot and dry.
43.   ...... Plaza hotel is on the corner of HS junction.
44.   May I have your ..... phone number?
45.   What is ...... name of next station?
46.   Smog is ...... problem in big cities.
47.   Our children go to ...... school by bus.
48.   Is there ..... public telephone near here?
49.   I went to ...... sea during summer vacation.

50.   Please speak ..... little louder.

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