
Sunday 1 October 2017

Exercise 5

Complete the sentences with "some" or "any", whichever is appropriate

  1. I don’t think …… man can do it.
  2. He has …… collection of stamps.
  3. There isn’t ….. water in the mug. Will you get me ……?
  4. He has lost …… money in the deal.
  5. Though I have been in the business for quite ……. time, I haven’t had ……. loss so far.
  6. I want …… new mangoes. Have you ………
  7. Have ……. bread and butter for breakfast.
  8. At the beach I met …… men from Japan.
  9. ………. man can contest elections provided he is above twenty five.
  10. Get me …… sugar please. “sorry, there isn’t ….. here

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