
Friday 13 October 2017

Exercise 28

Use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense of the verb given in brackets

  1. I (wait) for you since this morning.
  2. He (look) for a job ever since he took his degree
  3. She (read) the novel for the last three days
  4. It (rain) since last night
  5. The light (burn) all night
  6. They (work) on the project since January last
  7. He (learn) English since his kindergarten days
  8. She (dance) for three hours now
  9. The mechanic (repair) the vehicle for the last two hours
  10. You (wait) long for me
  11. How long you (learn) English?
  12. They (build) this bridge for many months now.
  13. I (look) at the video footage for a long time, but I can’t see you in it.
  14. She (try) to learn French for years, but has not succeeded yet.
  15. How long you (read)?

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