
Monday, 30 October 2017



In the following exercises each of the sentences is divided into groups A,B,C,D
Find the group in which you find a mistake. If there is no mistake the answer is E

  1. He (A)/ is coming (B) /to school(C) / regularly (D)
  2. Until(A)/ you come to class(B)/ regularly(C)/ you will fail(D)
  3. I cannot (A)/ accompany you(B)/ because I have(C)/ much assignments to complete(D)
  4. Cleopatra(A)/ as well as her retinue of slaves(B)/ are sailing(C)/ down the Nile(D)
  5. This(A)/ is(B)/ a best book(C)/ on the subject(D)
  6. He(A)/ broke(B)/ a antique and expensive(C)/ vase(D)
  7. Children(A)/ shall obey(B)/ their parents(C)/ and elders(D)
  8. Who(A)/ do you(B)/ wish(C)/ to see?(D)
  9. The applicant,(A)/ being a minor(B)/ he will not be(C)/ allowed to vote(D)
  10. He cut(A)/ the cloth(B)/ with a scissor(C)/ that were blunt(D)
  11. I saw(A)/ the movie(B)/ with(C)/ my family members(D)
  12. The English(A)/ defeated French(B)/ in the Battle(C)/ of Waterloo(D)
  13. When I called at(A)/ his residence this(B)/ morning then(C)/ I met him(D)
  14. My father(A)/ is expected(B)/ to return(C)/ from the tour today(D)
  15. He is too(A)/ cleverer(B)/ to(C)/ be taken in(D)
  16. The recent earthquake(A)/ caused many(B)/ damage(C)/ to the houses(D)
  17. Look at the dog(A)/ which is barking(B)/ on the beggar(C)/ in the street(D)
  18. They do not know(A)/ from how long(B)/ I have(C)/ been ill(D)
  19. In my opinion(A)/ a pencil is always(B)/ more preferable(C)/ to a pen(D)
  20. One thousand(A)/ rupees(B)/ are reality(C)/ a big sum(D)
  21. On my way to college, I(A)/ suddenly(B)/ came across(C)/ with an old friend(D)
  22. There are too many(A)/ poor peoples(B)/ in India (C)/ to count(D)
  23. Any of(A)/ these two boxes(B)/ belongs(C)/ to me(D)
  24. I asked him(A)/ that(B)/ he would(C)/ teach me(D)
  25. I think that(A)/ he would not make(B)/ such a mistake(C)/ in future(D)


1.       B. “He comes to school” The simple present is used to indicate an action which is routine occurrence and habit.
2.       A.  “Unless you come”  Unless is a conjunction which denotes a condition.
3.       D.  “many assignments to complete” The number of assignments is countable. Hence the adjective of number “many” should be used in this case.
4.       C.  “is sailing down the Nile” because the subject of the sentence is ‘Cleopatra’ which is singular.
5.       C.  “the best book” definite article should be used before a superlative.
6.       C.  “an antique and expensive” Notice that when two adjectives are used together and take the same article we do not repeat the article before each adjective. Even if the articles differ, it is customary not to repeat the article when two adjectives are used together to describe the same object
7.       B.  “should obey” In this sentence ‘should’ is a principal verb,  and stands for ‘duty’ or ‘obligation’
8.       A. “whom” because the relative pronoun here must be n the objective case
9.       C.  “he” is not required and so it must be deleted
10.   C. “with scissors”, ‘Scissors’ is a noun which is always used in the plural, like trousers, spectacles, tongs, etc
11.   D.  “my family”  ‘family members’ is a wrong usage
12.   B. “the French” ‘French’ indicates the language and ‘the French’ indicates the French people
13.   C. delete then
14.   E.
15.   B. Use clever, not cleverer with too
16.   B. Use much, not many because damage is not countable
17.   C. “at the beggar”, incorrect use of preposition
18.   B. “for how long”, incorrect use of ‘from’
19.   C. Do not use two comparative degree adjectives together. delete “more
20.   C.  “is in reality”
21.   D.  delete “with
22.   B.  “people” people is a plural noun
23.   A. Use one or neither, not any
24.   B. whether or if , not that
25.   B.  will, not would

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