
Wednesday 18 October 2017

COMPARISONS Previous Questions with Answers


1.       Which one of the following sentence is correctly given?
a.       My son is cleverest than any other boy in the class
b.      My son is clever than any other boy in the class
c.       My son is cleverest boy in the class
d.      My son is cleverer than any other boy in the class
2.       Find the error part:-
Very few writers in the (a) / world are so great (b)/ as William Shakespeare (c)/ No error (d)
3.       The Ganges is ........... than Kaveri
a.       long
b.      longer
c.       longest
d.      none of these
4.       Find the error part
Mount Everest is (a) / highest than any (b) / other peak in the world (c)/ No error (d)
5.       Ram is cleverer than Rajesh. Change this sentence into positive degree
a.       Ram is not so clever as Rajesh
b.      Rajesh is so clever as Ram
c.       Rajesh is not so clever as Ram
d.      Rajesh is not so cleverer as Ram
6.       Susan is the .............. attractive girl I have ever met
a.       most
b.      more
c.       very
d.      none of these
7.       Very few cities in India .......... so busy as Mumbai
a.       is
b.      am
c.       are
d.      was
8.       Find the error part
Mahatma Gandhi was (a)/ one of the greatest honest (b)/ man in the world (c) / No error(d)
9.       Find the error part
The Africa (a)/ is hotter than (b)/ most other continent (c)/ No error (d)
10.   Find  the correct sentence
a.       My sister is elder to me
b.      My sister is elder than me
c.       My sister is elder than I
d.      My sister is elder to I
11.   University of Kerala is older than ........ Universities in Kerala
a.       all other
b.      any other
c.       all
d.      every other
12.   The more you get ............ you spend
a.       the more
b.      more
c.       the most
d.      much
13.   Rani is still ill, but ........ better than she was
a.       more
b.      very
c.       too
d.      much
14.   Rithik is ........ of my two brothers
a.       clever
b.      more clever
c.       cleverer
d.      the cleverer
15.   The higher you climb a Himalayan peak, ................ you feel
a.       the most cold
b.      the colder
c.       colder
d.      more cold
16.   The more you get ........... you spend
a.       the more
b.      more
c.       the most
d.      much
17.   You are placed under suspension until ............... orders
a.       farther
b.      future
c.       further
d.      next
18.   He is still ill, but ............ better than he was.
a.       much
b.      more
c.       very
d.      too
19.   No sooner had he reached home .......... the light went out
a.       when
b.      than
c.       and
d.      none of the above
20.   No sooner did he touch the switch ............. the motor began to hum
a.       then
b.      than
c.       when
d.      soon
21.   No sooner did the beggar open the gate ......... the dogs began to bark
a.       when
b.      until
c.       than
d.      as
22.   Mohan is five years senior ....... Jaleel
a.       than
b.      of
c.       to
d.      for
23.   Calcutta University is older than ............... universities in India
a.       all other
b.      all the other
c.       all
d.      every other
24.   I prefer cold water ........ tea
a.       rather
b.      than
c.       to

d.      better than

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