

Sunday 22 October 2017



1.       The owners of this factory is very rich
2.       The pleasures of nature that one can experience at Simla is beyond description
3.       There is no street lights in our colony
4.       He and I am entrusted with the job
5.       Rice and curry are his favourite dish
6.       The honour and glory of country are at stake
7.       Time and tide wait for none
8.       All the passengers with the driver was killed
9.       The teacher with her students were going out
10.   I as well as they are tired
11.   Not only the soldiers but their captain also were captured
12.   Neither you nor I were selected
13.   Either of these two applicants are fit for the job but neither want to accept it
14.   One of these students are sure to stand first
15.   Every one of these workers want a raise
16.   None of these letters has been answered so far
17.   None of the girls were present at the party
18.   Many a battle were fought on Indian soil
19.   A lot of work remain to be done
20.   The majority of these girls likes music
21.   The number of admissions are encouraging
22.   A large number of boys was present
23.   A variety of books was on display
24.   Variety are the spice of life
25.   If my mathematics is correct, I will need another hundred rupees
26.   Mathematics are my favourite subject
27.   Gulliver’s Travels are written by Swift
28.   Ten miles are a long distance to cover on foot
29.   A new pair of shoes are to be purchased
30.   The committee have issued its report
31.   I, who am your friend, has always been on your side
32.   I am the person who have always stood by you.
33.   This is one of the best novels that has been published this year
34.   Less than half the amount have been wasted
35.   A lot of people was turned up for the show
36.   Much of their honour was undeserved
37.   More than a decade have passed since this house was built
38.   Either she or he are mistaken
39.   Plenty of information are available on the subject
40.   Plenty of pamphlets is available on the subject

1.       The owners of this factory are very rich
2.       The pleasures of nature that one can experience at Simla are beyond description
3.       There are no street lights in our colony
4.       He and I are entrusted with the job
5.       Rice and curry is his favourite dish
6.       The honour and glory of our country is at stake
7.       Time and tide waits for none
8.       All the passengers, with the driver, were killed
9.       The teacher with her students, was going out
10.   I as well as they am tired
11.   Not only the soldiers but their captain also was captured
12.   Neither you nor I was selected
13.   Either of these two applicants is fit for the job but neither wants to accept it
14.   One of these students is sure to stand first
15.   Everyone of these workers wants a raise
16.   None of these letters have been answered so far
17.   None of the girls was present at the party
18.   Many a battle was fought on Indian soil
19.   A lot of work remains to be done
20.   The majority of these girls like music
21.   The number of admissions is encouraging
22.   A large number of boys were present
23.   A variety of books were on display
24.   Variety is the spice of life
25.   If my mathematics are correct, I will need another hundred rupees
26.   Mathematics is my favourite subject
27.   Gulliver’s Travels is written by swift
28.   Ten miles is a long distance to cover on foot
29.   A new pair of shoes is to be purchased
30.   The committee has issued its report
31.   I, who am your friend, have always been on your side
32.   I am the person who has always stood by you
33.   This is one of the best novels that have been published this year
34.   Less than half the amount has been wasted
35.   A lot of people have turned up for the show
36.   Much of their honour is undeserved
37.   More than a decade has passed since this house was built
38.   Either she or he is mistaken
39.   Plenty of information is available on the subject
40.   Plenty of pamphlets are available on the subject.

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