
Sunday 15 October 2017

AUXILIARY VERBS Questions with Answers


1.       Raju ............ playing football
(a)will  (b)can  (c)are  (d) is

2.       He ............ defeated in the competition
(a)will  (b)did  (c)was  (d)may

3.       I shall ........... him tomorrow.
(a)seeing  (b) saw (c) to see (d)see

4.       He ........... not go to school regularly
(a)do  (b)did  (c)does  (d)is

5.       They can ............ this work today itself
(a)finishing  (b)finish  (c)finished  (d)finishes

6.       My father ............. news paper every morning
(a)read  (b)reading  (c)do read  (d)reads

7.       The ministers ............ attend the function
(a)are  (b)have  (c)had  (d)will

8.       They ............. finished the work
(a)have  (b)has  (c)will  (d)did

9.       I ......... not see him nowadays
(a)was  (b)does  (c)do  (d)am

10.   When I reached the station, the train ......... left
(a)do  (b)does  (c)had  (d)will

11.   My friend was ......... tv when I came into his room
(a)watched  (b)watching  (c)watch  (d)watches

12.   Will you ......... me to solve this problem?
(a)helping  (b)helps  (c)help  (d)helped

13.   Are you ......... with me?
(a)come  (b)came  (c)coming  (d)comes

14.   Does he ............. hard to win the first rank in LDC?
(a)work  (b)works (c)worked  (d)working

15.   It ......... rain today.
      (a)is  (b)was  (c)do  (d)may


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