

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Model Test 9

  1. I have met ……. one eyed man today.
    a. a         b. an      c. the     d. none of these
  2. There is ……. telephone at …… gate of my house
    a. a , the               b. an, the             c. the , a               d. a, an
    Give one word for the following two questions
  3. That which can be easily broken
    a. receptive        b. flexible           c. fragile              d. rigid
  4. Incapable of being reachable
    a. accessible      b. invisible         c. inaccessible   d. invincible
  5. He always quarrels …… his classmates
    a. at       b. in       c. with  d. to
  6. He spend hours looking …… birds
    a. at       b. in       c. with  d. to
  7. Science is full …… wonders
    a. at       b. in       c. with  d. of
    Write Plurals
  8. Tooth
    a.  tooths             b.  teeths             c. teeth                                d. teethes
  9. Furniture
    a. furnitures       b. furniture        c. some furniture             d. furniturs
  10. Wife
    a. wives      b. wife  c. wifs   d. wive
    Write the opposite gender of
  11. Colt
    a. coltress     b. vixen     c. filly    d. filli
  12. Fox
    a. calves       b. vixen       c. filly    d. cub
  13. Editor
    a. lady editor     b. editress          c. female editor        d. Editoress
    Pick out the correct spelling
  14. a. bureaucracy b. burocracy       c. bureoacracy   d. beaurocracy
  15. a.  grammer        b. grammar         c. gramer             d. grammar
    Spot the error
  16. On arriving (a) / airport my friend’s (b) / father was there (c) / to greet us (d)
  17. It is a part of (a) / his study to meet (b) / the students (c) / and find out our problems (d)
  18. She knows ..... in a pool
    a. to swim           b. swimming      c. how to swim d.swam
  19. There is no .... in this compartment.
    a. room                b. place                c. position           d.rooms
  20. Summons .... issued against the murderer
    a. were    b. was   c. had    d. would

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