
Saturday 14 January 2017

Model Test 14

  1. You won’t go to see him off, ......?
    (a)will you (b)won’t you (c)do you (d)don’t you?
  2. You are gasping .....?
    (a)Have you been playing (b)Are  you playing (c)Were you playing (d)Have you played
  3. If I go there, ..... him in person.
    (a)I meet (b)I would meet (c)I will have met (d)I shall meet
  4. These cattle ..... my friend.
    (a)belongs to (b)belong to (c)belonging to (d)have belonged to
  5. Dogs ......
    (a)barks (b)has barked (c)bark (d)none
  6. The head master of this school is my ..... brother
    (a)older (b)elderly (c)senior (d)elder
  7. The chief minister called .... the governor
    (a)for (b)of (c)on (d)about
  8. The opposite of “Natural” is
    (a)real (b)artificial (c)genuine (d)unreal
  9. Nobody attended the class, .....?
    (a)did they (b)did any (c)didn’t they (d)isn’t it
  10. Honesty is the best.....
    (a)policy (b)idea (c)means (d)suggestion
  11. “sine die” means
    (a)lately (b)indefinitely (c)for a fixed time (d)none
  12. All his money ..... spent lavishly
    (a)were (b)have (c)has (d)was
  13. “What a piece of work is man!” is ....... sentence.
    (a)an imperative (b)an assertive (c)an interrogative (d)an exclamatory
  14. I was shocked .... the news of his death
    (a)of (b)by (c)at (d)in
  15. “STD” is
    (a)an antonym (b)an acronym (c)a synonym (d)a homonym
  16. The word “slavery” is a .....
    (a)noun (b)verb (c)adjective (d)preposition
  17. He made a speech ..... was excellent
    (a)who (b)when (c)what (d)which
  18. They tried very hard for five hours to ..... the fire
    (a)put in (b)put out (c)put off (d)put
  19. The correctly spelt word is
    (a)vacuum (b)vaccum (c)vacum (d)vaquem
  20. ..... it was safe, he parked the car near the garage.
    (a)imagining (b)dreaming (c)thinking (d)maintaining

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