
Wednesday 4 May 2016



There are three kinds of nouns in English

  1. Common Nouns. A common noun is the word used for a class of person, place or thing. A common noun does not start with a capital letter (unless it starts a sentence or is part of a title).
    • Eg. Dog, Table, Man, car
    • Common nouns are further classified into:
      1. Abstract nouns – things you cannot see or touch
        • Eg, bravery, joy
      2. Collective nouns – words to describe groups
        • Eg. team, choir
      3. Compound nouns – nouns made up of more than one word
        • Eg, court-martial, pickpocket, water bottle
      4. Concrete nouns – things you can see or touch
        • Eg. tree, cloud
      5. Non-countable nouns (mass nouns) – things you cannot count
        • Eg. food, music
      6. Gender-specific nouns – words which are definitely male or female
        • Eg., vixen, actress
      7. Verbal nouns – nouns derived from verbs
        • Eg., a building, an attack
      8. Gerunds – nouns that represent actions
        • Eg., running fast, guessing a number
  2. Proper Nouns. A proper noun is the name of a person, place or thing (i.e., its own name). A proper noun always starts with a capital letter.
    • Eg: Tom, India, Madras, Thomas. Uncle John
  3. Collective Nouns. A collective noun is the word used for a group of people or things
    • Eg: swarm, team, crowd, flock, group

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