

Sunday 1 October 2017

Exercise 6

Fill in the blanks with "few", "a few", "the few" as required

  1. Being tired and hungry, …… of us could walk further.
  2. ……. of the workers were found to be incompetent.
  3. I don’t have many friends, …….. I have all gems.
  4. Very ……. Chinese know English.
  5. ……. of the men ventured into the forest and collected some samples.
  6. Many appeared for the interview, but ….. were selected.
  7. The basket had mostly rotten mangoes, and …… that were good had a bitter taste.
  8. …… men bothered to defend the hapless victim from assault.
  9. …… workers turned up for work in spite of the hartal.
  10. It is all in ruins., …… people visit the place now.

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