Prepositions 1 - FORTUNE ACADEMY



Monday 19 December 2016

Prepositions 1

  1. A night watchman sleeps …………. The day.
  2. Sugar has been cheaper ………. January
  3. We set out …….. dawn and were home ……… sunset
  4. My wedding anniversary is …….. August 25
  5. The first world war lasted ……….. 1914 ……. 1918
  6. Second world war began …….. 1939 and ended …….. 1945
  7. ….. this he is doing yoga.
  8. The flight took us to Dubai ……. Five hours.
  9. …. what year were you born?
  10. The interview will be held …… 10 am and 12 noon.
  11. The ceremony will last ….. morning and …… evening
  12. Can you meet me ….. tomorrow?
  13. We are going to Delhi ….. next Monday.
  14. …… July next I will have completed five years in this office.
  15. The accident occurred ….. four in the morning.

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