

Thursday 1 December 2016

Model Test 2

  1. Look before you ………..
    (a)jump   (b)leap   (c)run   (d)walk
  2. The antonym of  ‘audible’ is ………
    (a)unaudible   (b)disaudible   (c)inaudible   (d)nonaudible
  3. He is suffering ………… fever
    (a)by   (b)of   (c)in   (d)from
  4. ‘indisposed’ means
    (a)unbroken   (b)unwell   (c)uncertain   (d)uncommon
  5. Stop writing, ………….
    (a)will you   (b)would you   (c)shall you   (d)should you
  6. Choose the correct spelt word
    (a)tuition   (b)tution   (c)tushion   (d)tushan
  7. The word ‘beautiful’ is ………….
    (a)Noun   (b)verb   (c)adverb   (d)adjective
  8. After supper I usually go …………
    (a)to upstairs   (b)upstairs   (c) at upstairs  (d)on upstairs
  9. The rich merchant always keeps a ………. of keys in his pocket.
    (a)collection   (b)group   (c)bunch   (d)a lot of
  10. My brother is good ……. Mathematics.
    (a)in   (b)on   (c)about   (d)at
  11. If the chief guest spoke a little louder, we ……… hear him
    (a)could   (b)can   (c)must   (d)may
  12. A place where nuns live is
    (a)convent   (b) monastery  (c) residence  (d)none
  13. I wish I …….. a rich man
    (a)was   (b)am   (c)were   (d)will be
  14. When I was a small boy, I was afraid ……. ghosts
    (a)by   (b)of   (c)for   (d)in
  15. Science of speech sounds is
    (a)phonology   (b) etymology  (c)ethics   (d)phonetics
  16. A person’s life history written by another is called ………….
    (a) autobiography  (b)biography   (c)fiction   (d)history
  17. The correctly spelt word is
    (a)gosip  (b)gousip  (c)gossip  (d)gosipp
  18. He asked me what
    (a)was I doing  (b)am I doing  (c)I am doing  (d)I was doing
  19. A pair of shoes …….. found near the gate.
    (a)was  (b)were  (c)are  (d)is
  20. The teacher asked us to write …….. ink
    (a)with  (b)on  (c)in  (d)by

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